Government Saiha College is the only college in Siaha District. It is the first college in southern Mizoram. It was established in 1978 as a result of public demand, and recognised by the Government of Mizoramin 1979. It started as only arts college. It is now under the jurisdiction of the Mizoram Universityand under recognition of the University Grants Commission (India).
The demand for an institute of higher education in Chhimtuipui district (from which Saiha district would later split up) emerged in 1974. In June 1974, a demand committee was organised under the chair of K. Paichho, the then Executive Member of Mara Autonomous District Council. However, financial constraint prevented immediate action. By public pressure, Saiha College was inaugurated on 20 July 1978 with only a pre-university course. The Government of Mizoram sanctioned permission/recognition the next year, on 2 November 1979. It received affiliation from North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, in 1980. Bachelor's degree course was started in 1980, and was recognised by the university in 1984. Science subject was introduced in 1988. Honours degree subjects were initiated in 1986 in political science and history. The college was upgraded to the status of deficit grant-in-aid system under the state government in 1985. It became a full-fledged government college in 1992. NEHU issued permanent affiliation in 1995. Affiliation was transferred to Mizoram University, when the university was created in 2001.[2]